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Public Accountants Registered Tax Agents | Covid-19 Reopening

Category: Spouse Contributions

Binding Death Nominations Are An Important Part Of Your Estate Planning

You must make a binding death benefit nomination to maintain control and certainty over who will inherit your superannuation assets after you pass away.

Contrary to what you may think, your will does not automatically control the payment of your death benefits. If you do not make a binding death benefit nomination, your super trustee will decide who your super passes onto.

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Spousal Contributions: The Filler For Super

Depending on your relationship, you may have discussed with your partner the prospect of marriage. Or you might be more comfortable remaining in a long-term de facto relationship (especially since many de facto relationships have similar rights as those of a marriage). You might share a lot of things with your partner (such as a mortgage, a family, or a car), but did you know that you might be able to boost their super for them?

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