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Public Accountants Registered Tax Agents | Covid-19 Reopening

Tag: Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax Can Be Tricky – That’s Why We’re Here To Help

If you have disposed of any assets (which can include the loss, destruction or sale of an asset) which are subject to capital gains tax, you need to let us know as soon as possible. These are known as capital gains events, which can affect the way in which a capital gain or loss is calculated, and when it is included in a net capital gain or loss.

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When Does A CGT Concession Or Exemption Apply To Your Small Business?

Small businesses are facing a set of challenges once again that can make fulfilling tax obligations seem like a daunting task. However, as a small business, capital gains tax concessions on assets used to conduct your business may be of interest to you. These assets are known as “active assets” and can, for example, be a tangible asset (such as commercial property), or an intangible asset (such as goodwill).

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