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Tag: independent contractor

Superannuation, The Self-Employed & Contractors

If you’re a contractor, freelancer, or self-employed, you’re probably already juggling multiple responsibilities, from managing clients to keeping track of your income.

One area that often gets overlooked is superannuation, but it’s crucial to think about your future.

Even though you may not have an employer making regular super contributions on your behalf, you can still take control of your super to ensure you’re building a nest egg for retirement. 

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A Business Plan Requires Structure – Here Are 5 Things You Should Be Including In Yours

When you are first setting up a business, understanding exactly what you are setting out to achieve can be a daunting task. But a business plan takes some of that stress away by helping to cement your business idea into achievable goals. It can be as simple as dot pointing your strategy on the back of an envelope, or a 30-page report of what your business is hoping to achieve.

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SME Recovery Loan Scheme Rules Amended To Cope With Impact

Are you an SME who has been impacted economically by COVID-19, and who could use financial assistance to get back on their feet?

The SME Recovery Loan Scheme has been extended to 30 June 2022 with a reduced Government guarantee of 50 per cent. This is known as the 2022 Scheme expansion, where loans will be available from 1 January 2022 at the new Government guarantee.

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Thinking About Becoming A Contractor? ABNs, Sham Contracting, Agreements And More

Being a contractor offers flexibility, choice and more control over your own schedule. It also means that you have different responsibilities from other employees that you may have to fulfil.
For employers, knowing the difference between a contractor and an employee is a must. It can lead to costly penalties if the two get confused.

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